Renée Harwick Advanced Graduate Student Award

Purpose and Criteria: This award is funded from an endowed gift given to the CNLM by our long-time supporter, Dr. Renee Harwick. The award will be given to a graduate student who shows outstanding scientific promise, as evidenced by research accomplishments as well as the quality of their advancement document. The purpose of the award is to provide funds to support the completion of the student’s Ph.D. thesis.

Eligibility: Must be a graduate student who is in the laboratory of a CNLM Fellow on the UCI campus and who has advanced to candidacy within the last two years.

Awards available: 1 or more $1,000 awards

Requirements: CV/resume (max 2 pages), unofficial transcript, personal statement addressing research accomplishments, experience, and future dissertation plans (500 words), as well as a copy of the PhD advancement document.  


The 2017 Harwick Award recipients are Megan Curran (4th from left)
and Matthew Mahavongtrakul (2nd from right)

The 2016 Harwick Award winner is Alberto Lopez (second from left), Graduate student in Dr. Marcelo Wood's Laboratory.



Harwick award winner Matthew Korn with advisor Dr. Karina Cramer (left) and Dr. Harwick (right)


Harwick award winner Melissa Malvaez with Dr. Craig Stark (left), Dr. Harwick, and advisor Dr. Marcelo Wood (right).



Destiny Berisha

(Advisor: Dr. Bryce Mander)
"Restorative slumber: Unraveling the relationship between sleep, aging, and cerebrovascular health"



Keiland Cooper

(Advisor: Dr. Norbert Fortin)
"Stitching memories into a patchwork of predictable patterns"




Abigail Flores

(Advisor: Dr. Gyuri Lur)
"What happens in adolescence, doesn’t stay in adolescence"



Rachael Hokenson
Rachael Hokenson

(Advisor: Dr. Tallie Z. Baram)
"STRESStrogen: The role of estrogen in traumatic stress"




CNLM Award Recipient, Jason Lee
Jason Lee

(Advisor: Dr. Kei Igarashi)
"Dopamine and the associative memory map"


CNLM Award Recipient, Isabel Rivera
Isabel Rivera

(Advisor: Dr. Jorge Busciglio)
"Developing microglia as therapeutic targets for Down syndrome"



Andrew Chen

(Advisor: Dr. Christie Fowler)
"A missing piece in understanding nicotine addiction: Purinergic signaling in the medial habenula"


Pin-Chun Chen

(Advisor: Dr. Sara Mednick)
"Trust your heart in sleep to fight against cognitive aging"


Sima Chokr

(Advisor: Dr. Karina Cramer)
"Listening to microglia"


Steven Granger

(Advisor: Dr. Michael Yassa)
"Memory bias in psychiatric illness"



Amanda McQuade

(Advisor: Dr. Mathew Blurton-Jones)
"Letting the immune system fight back against Alzheimer's disease"


Yasmine Sherafat

(Advisor: Dr. Christie Fowler)
"Nicotine addiction: the missing lynx"

Mitchell Farrell 

(Advisor: Dr. Stephen Mahler)
"Rewiring the opioid addicted brain"


Rianne Campbell 

Her research is focused on epigenetic mechanisms of cocaine-induced neuroplasticity.


Maria Montchal

Her research is focused on how we remember when events occurred.


Isabella Sanchez

Her research is focused on the choroid plexus and CSF secretion in Huntington's disease.


 Eva Morozko

Her research focused on the disruption of protein homeostasis, leading to accumulation of insoluble high molecular weight protein complexes containing the Huntingtin (HTT) protein and SUMOylated proteins, and transcriptional dysregulation are key features in Huntington’s disease (HD).


Matthew Mahavongtrakul

While in the Busciglio lab, Matthew's research focused on hyperexcitabilty preceding cognitive impairment in the ZnT3KO mouse model of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Megan Curran

Megan's research focused on age-related changes in tissue Signal properties within cortical areas important for word understanding in 12- to 19-month-old infants.


Alberto Lopez

While at UCI, Alberto's research focused on the role of particular gene expression in the consolidation of cocaine-paired contextual associated memory.


Donghui Wei


antXiang Li


antJoseph Ochaba



Annie Vogel Ciernia

Her research focuses on studying epigenomic regulation in neurodevelopment and neurodevelopmental disorders.



Shawn Nielsen


Melissa Malvaez



Matthew Korn, PhD