Pursuing cutting edge research with a global impact

Friends of the CNLM

The Friends of the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory is the Center's official support group. The purpose of the Friends group is to identify individuals in the community and university with a particular interest in learning and memory research and to establish an annual fund to be used to support various causes including but not limited to:

  • Pursuing high-risk high-reward cutting edge research in its preliminary stages
  • Creating new technologies by purchasing or developing new state-of-the-art equipment
  • Supporting international scientific conferences and seminars
  • Supporting graduate student and postdoctoral training.
CNLM Evenings to Remember Dinner
CNLM Evenings to Remember
Mike Yassa at CNLM Evenings to Remember
CNLM Fellow, Elizabeth Loftus at CNLM Evenings to Remember

The 2024 membership includes the following courtesies:

NeuroSilver ($500)

NeuroGold ($1000)

  • Patrons at this level receive all of the thank you gifts of NeuroSilver PLUS invitation to our exclusive Evenings to Remember series.

NeuroPlatinum ($2000)

  • Patrons at this level receive all of the thank you gifts of NeuroGold PLUS a choice between a personal meeting for two with the CNLM scientist of your choice* or an exclusive guided tour of one of the CNLM laboratories.

NeuroDiamond ($5000)

  • Patrons at this level receive all of the courtesies of NeuroPlatinum PLUS invite a CNLM scientist* of your choice to give a lecture at a dinner party at a location of your choosing.

*subject to availability

Loyalty Incentive Program

Refer a new friend to our Friends group - if your friend enrolls at your support level or higher, we will automatically upgrade your benefits to the next level for the remainder of the current year and the following year.

If you would like more information on the Group and its benefits, please contact Ms. Jennifer Smith, Executive Director of Development at (949) 824-0298 or