Our legacy of excellence supports our brilliant future

Join the UCI CNLM Legacy Society

Why the CNLM?

  • Established in 1983 by the UC Regents by Dr. James L. McGaugh (UCI Founding Faculty in 1964) as the world’s first institute devoted to understanding how our brains learn and remember and how this changes with age and disease.
  • Over 50 globally renowned scientists at more than 7 institutions in California, with the headquarters right here at UCI.
  • Radically transformative science that impacts brain health, technology, and education
  • A 35-year legacy of scientific breathroughs and discoveries as well as broad impact on the community through public outreach and education.
  • Trained hundreds of neuroscientists and established a global network of collaborating researchers.
  • Over 6,000 scientific publications and more than 500,000 citations - the absolute highest collective impact in the field of neuroscience.

The CNLM Legacy Society

The Legacy Society honors supporters who designate the CNLM as a beneficiary of a planned gift. Planned gifts include:
  • Charitable Bequests - provisions in your will or trust to support the Center.
  • Charitable Lead Trust - make a gift while passing on appreciated assets to your loved ones.
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts - create a trust that pays you for a specific period of time and makes a gift of the remainder.
  • Charitable Gift Annuity - a simple contract which provides you with a fixed income stream for life with the remainder of the gift used to support the CNLM
  • Retirement Accounts - designate the CNLM as the remainder beneficiary of your retirement accounts
As a Legacy Society Member, you will enjoy invitations to attend special events and lectures, invitation to an annual luncheon at the UCI Chancellor’s home, Exclusive Legacy Society mailings, containing information on planned giving.


For more information about legacy giving to the CNLM please contact Mr. Roland Ho, Senior Director of Planned Giving at roland.ho@uci.edu or 949.824.6454