Rising Star Award

In 2022, the CNLM Award Ceremony will include faculty awards. Nominations can be made by anyone in the CNLM community (self-nominations are not permitted). Co-nomination by multiple individuals permitted. These awards are an opportunity for the CNLM community to recognize the contributions of our incredible CNLM Faculty Fellows.

  • Purpose and Criteria: The Rising Star Award recognizes an early career CNLM Fellow who is actively pushing boundaries and charting new paths in neuroscience research. 
  • Eligibility: Must be a current and active CNLM Fellow.
  • Requirements: Nomination statement summarizing the nominee’s qualifications for this award (no more than two pages) and nominee’s CV.


Laura Ewell
Assistant Professor
Anatomy and Neurobiology


Lulu Chen Assistant Professor Anatomy and Neurobiology

Lulu Chen
Assistant Professor
Anatomy and Neurobiology

CNLM Faculty Award Recipient, Kevin Beier

Kevin Beier
Assistant Professor
Physiology & Biophysics