Together, we can change the world

Scientific Conferences

Since 1982, the CNLM has hosted an annual scientific conference in the spring to discuss recent advances in the field and launch new collaborations and synergies. The conferences include several themed symposia, short presentations by trainees, panel discussions, and keynote lectures. It is a crucial scientific development opportunity for students and postdocs as well as a faculty. Attendance is by invitation only (except for the triennial international conference – see 2023 and 2018 below), and the program is developed by a committee of CNLM faculty fellows, including external fellows. The conferences are highly renowned for their intellectual atmosphere, use of the 50/50 discussion rule, and the special edited volumes that result from them. Typical attendance at the annual conference is between 100-120 attendees. Attendance at the 2018 and 2023 meetings exceeded 1,000 scientists. All conference attendees must adhere to the CNLM Code of Conduct.

Upcoming Conferences

2024 - Making TIME (Temporally Integrated Memory for Events)

Past Conferences

2023 - The International Conference on Learning & Memory: LEARNMEM™2023 

2022 - Pathway to Memory: Learning, Consolidation, and Representation 

2021 - Memory: It's About Time 

2020 - Memory: It's About Time - Rescheduled due to COVID-19 Pandemic

2019 - New Directions in Memory: Modulation, Mapping, and Machines

2018 - The International Conference on Learning & Memory: LEARNMEM™2018

2017 - The Persistence of Memory

2016 - Guts, Brains and Memory Dynamics

2015 - Frontiers in Memory Research: Sex, Inhibition, and Engrams

2014 - From Models to Neural Circuits to Behavior: What Does Pattern Separation Have to do With Memory?