2024 CNLM Spring Meeting

Making TIME
Temporally Integrated Memory for Events
April 25-26, 2024
Herklotz Conference Room (directions)
Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
University of California, Irvine
Organizing Committee:
Laura Ewell, Norbert Fortin, Gary Lynch, Christine Gall, and Michael Yassa
$100 for faculty; $50 for trainees/students
Thursday, April 25, 2024
8:00 am
Check-in, Breakfast, and Poster Set-up
9:00 am
Welcome and Introduction
Session 1: Temporal Signals and Periodicity
Moderator: Liz Chrastil, UC Irvine
Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Minute-scale periodic sequences in the medial entorhinal cortex
Zahra Aghajan, UCLA
Temporal representation in the human brain at different scales: from individual seconds to a minute-scale periodic code
Bradley Lega, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center
Convergent mechanisms of temporal representations during order memory
11:45 am
1:00 pm
Open Paper Session
2:00 pm
Poster Session and Refreshments
3:30 pm
Data Blitz Session
5:30 pm
Trainee Dinner Session
What is the future of graduate student neuroscience education?
Michael Yassa, UC Irvine
Denise Cai, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Friday, April 26, 2024
8:30 am
9:00 am
Session 2: Linking and Integrating Memories Over Time I
Moderator: Christine Gall, UC Irvine
Tomás Ryan, Trinity College Dublin
Forgetting as adaptive engram plasticity
Kaori Takehara-Nishiuchi, University of Toronto
Acetylcholine controls the integration of threat history in the medial prefrontal cortex
Laura Ewell, UC Irvine
Hippocampal codes for fast updating of changing reward magnitudes
11:30 am
1:00 pm
Session 3: Linking and Integrating Memories Over Time II
Moderator: Eitan Schechtman, UC Irvine
Denise Cai, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Memory stability and flexibility across the lifetime
Josh Jacobs, Columbia University
Ripples and traveling waves underlie human episodic memory encoding
Norbert Fortin, UC Irvine
The hippocampus as a... wormhole? Hippocampal representations of sequential relationships among extended event sequences
3:30 pm
4:00 pm
Keynote: Dean Buonomano, UCLA
Timing, neural dynamics, and working memory
5:00 pm
BrainFest Party