Historical Perspectives on Brain and Memory | Dr. James L. McGaugh
Dr. James L. McGaugh, Founding Director of the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (CNLM) at UC Irvine gives the introductory lecture at the 2018 International Conference on…
Read MoreHot off the Press! Brain Rhythms: Higher-Frequency Theta Oscillations Make Sense in Moving Humans by Dr. Michael Yassa
“Going for an early morning run in El Moro Canyon is an unforgettable experience. Despite its familiarity, it somehow feels a tad different every time. The sensory barrage around each…
Read MoreArticle in The Guardian explains Dr. James McGaugh’s work on Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM)
Original article written by Linda Rodriguez McRobbie in The Guardian. Click here to read. Almost 17 years ago, in June of 2000, Dr. James McGaugh met the woman that would inspire a new…
Read MoreCNLM Fellow Tim Bredy discovers “junk DNA” gene that alters brain function
Timothy W. Bredy, CNLM Fellow and Assistant Professor of Neurobiology & Behavior, and colleagues at the University of Queensland and the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney discovered that…
Read MoreCNLM researcher reverses effect of chemotherapy by human stem cell transplantation
CNLM Fellow Charlie Limoli has shown in a recent paper published in the journal Cancer Research that human stem cell transplantation in the hippocampus of rodents can reverse the effects of chemotherapy…
Read MoreDr. Bruce McNaughton awarded Multi-Campus Research Program on memory prosthetics
Dr. Bruce McNaughton’s application to design new memory prosthetics was selected for funding as one of only two UCI Multi-Campus Research Programs and Initiatives. See the entire competition results here.…
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