
UCI Virtual Brain Camp


  Summer 2021 Brain Camp will be held July 19 - July 30.    Due to the COVID pandemic and the university closures, we will be hosting this year's camp remotely. The UCI CNLM has been hosting virtual programs for K-12 children for nearly one year and we are designing an engaging, stimulating and rewarding…


Javier Diaz Alonso, Ph.D.


Exploring AMPA Receptors Synaptic Trafficking During Long-term Potentiation The 2021 CNLM Summer Seminar Series is hosted by the Irvine Summer Institute in Neuroscience, a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program funded by the National Science Foundation and Department of Defense. The program is directed by Dr. Luis Colon-Perez and Manuella Oliveira Yassa and provides an intensive research training and…
