Prenatal environmental stressors impair postnatal microglia function and behavior in male mice

Staci Bilbo headshot

Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2021
11 a.m. - 12 p.m. PST

Staci D. Bilbo, Ph.D.
Psychology and Neuroscience
Duke University

Those who register will receive an email with information on accessing the Zoom meeting the morning of the event. Sign up for other talks on our website:

About Staci D. Bilbo, Ph.D.

Dr. Bilbo is a Haley Family Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University. Bilbo also holds a position as a research affiliate at Massachusetts General Hospital overseeing research within the Lurie Center for Autism. Dr. Bilbo investigates how environmental challenges during the perinatal period impact the immune system and further influence brain development, cognition, and affective behaviors later in life.

Invite Your Colleagues

This year, we are opening up registration for the CNLM Colloquium Series to researchers from the broader learning and memory scientific community.


For questions or virtual meeting requests please contact
Diana Lofflin at