One (1) Travel Fellowship in the amount of US$1,500 was awarded to a non-native English-speaking foreign scientist to travel to and present at the 2018 International Conference on Learning and Memory (LEARNMEM2018). This Fellowship is supported by a generous grant from SciTechEdit International, an organization that works closely with scientists to help them produce clear, well-constructed manuscripts describing their scientific, medical, and technical research findings for publication in English-language journals. They provide prepublication services, including editing, polishing, proofreading, and translation of scientific manuscripts.

The SciTechEdit International Travel Fellowship was awarded to Marlieke van Kesteren, Ph.D. (@marliekevk), postdoctoral scholar in educational neuroscience at VU Amsterdam in The Netherlands. Congratulations Marlieke!

Dr. van Kesteren will be presenting a lightning talk titled “Integrating memories: How congruency affects reinstatement of old and integration with new memories” at next years International Conference on Learning and Memory.

Click here to learn more about the 2018 International Conference on Learning and Memory

Click here to learn more about SciTechEdit International