On March 2nd, 2017, the CNLM partnered with the UCI Exercise Medicine and Sport Sciences Initiative (EMSSI) to host an international scientific symposium and forum on Physical Exercise and Brain Health where world-renowned scholars shared disocervies on the impact of exercise on brain health and disease and discussed the state of the field and path forward. Speakers emphasized the ability of physical exercise to improve brain function and plasticity, particularly in memory and executive function. They also discussed the need for large-scale studies, the impact of even mild interventions, developing individualized exercise prescriptions, and public policy related to healthy lifestyles and disease prevention. The speakers are now collaborating on a joint commentary highlighting the recommendations from this landmark symposium.

Left to right: James Hicks, Mark Mattson, Carl Cotman, Wendy Suzuki, Laura Baker, Kirk Erickson, Michelle Carlson, Art Kramer, Michael Yassa (missing Henriette van Praag)


Dr. Kirk Erickson, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Michelle Carlson, Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Henriette van Praag, National Institute on Aging
Dr. Mark Mattson, National Institute on Aging
Dr. Laura Baker, Wake Forest University
Dr. Carl Cotman, University of California, Irvine
Dr. Wendy Suzuki, New York University


Dr. Arthur Kramer, Northeastern University





From the CNLM Spring 2017 Newsletter. Click here to read more. 

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