Spike Club provides a venue for discussing recent peer-reviewed publications specifically on neurophysiology. The Journal Club meets every other Thursday afternoon from 4-5pm in the Weinberger Conference Room of the Bonney Research Laboratory (building 512 on the campus map).

Participants are expected to be active and engaged, and are expected to have read the assigned paper(s).

The journal club is currently run by Rebecca Stevenson (rsteven1@uci.edu), graduate student in the Yassa Translational Neurobiology Laboratory.

Meeting Schedule

All meetings are on Thursdays at 4pm in the Weinberger Conference Room of the Bonney Research Laboratory (building 512 on campus map) unless otherwise noted.

October 5, 2017
Presenter: Ivan Skelin, postdoctoral fellow in the McNaughton Lab
Paper: Girardeau, G., Inema, I., & Buzsáki, G. (2017). Reactivations of emotional memory in the hippocampus–amygdala system during sleep. Nature Neuroscience, (September).

October 19, 2017
Presenter: Jie Zheng, graduate student in the Lin Lab
Paper: Stachenfeld, K. L., Botvinick, M. M., & Gershman, S. J. (2017). The hippocampus as a predictive map. Nature Neuroscience

November 2, 2017
Presenter: Gabe Elias, postdoctoral fellow in the Fortin Lab
Paper: Terada, S., Sakurai, Y., Nakahara, H., & Fujisawa, S. (2017). Temporal and Rate Coding for Discrete Event Sequences in the Hippocampus. Neuron, 94(6), 1248–1262.e4.

November 30, 2017
Presenter: Rebecca Stevenson, graduate student in the Yassa Lab
Paper: Ezzyat, Y., Kragel, J. E., Burke, J. F., Levy, D. F., Lyalenko, A., Wanda, P., … Kahana, M. J. (2017). Direct Brain Stimulation Modulates Encoding States and Memory Performance in Humans. Current Biology, 27(9), 1251–1258

December 14, 2017
Presenter: Heechul Jun, graduate student in the Igarashi Lab
Paper: Yamamoto, J., & Tonegawa, S. (2017). Direct Medial Entorhinal Cortex Input to Hippocampal CA1 Is Crucial for Extended Quiet Awake Replay. Neuron, 96(1), 217–227. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2017.09.017

January 25, 2018
Presenter: Logan Harriger, graduate student in the Lin/Yassa Labs
Paper: Muller, Lyle, et al. “Rotating waves during human sleep spindles organize global patterns of activity that repeat precisely through the night.” Elife 5 (2016): e17267

February 8th, 2018

February 22nd, 2018

March 8th, 2018
Presenter: TBD
Paper: TBD

March 22nd, 2018
Presenter: TBD
Paper: TBD