Call for nominations CNLM T32 in Learning and Memory

Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that nominations are now open for the 2021-2022 Howard Schneiderman T32 Training Program in Learning and Memory. This program is funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and supplemented by the Howard Schneiderman endowment. The program additionally receives support from UCI Graduate Division.
The Schneiderman Fellowship offers an immersive and integrated training experience in learning and memory. Linked to this email is a summary of the desired qualifications as well as the required training components. Please review the requirements and feel free to nominate a member of your laboratory if they are a good fit.
New predoctoral Fellows are expected to begin their appointment on the training grant on July 1, so we are asking that your nominations be submitted by May 14, 2021.
Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents at the beginning of their third or fourth year of training and will be evaluated by the Steering Committee. Criteria for selection include, but are not limited to:
(1) strength of undergraduate and graduate academic record;
(2) faculty mentor recommendation (in application body – no separate letter necessary);
(3) brief research plan, including relevance to learning and memory;
(4) evidence of productivity - abstracts, meeting presentations, publications;
(5) strength of quantitative and analytical skills; and
(6) a commitment to the field of learning and memory.
To be renewed for a second year, trainees will need to demonstrate a commitment to the training program activities, satisfactory research progress as well as timely progress towards degree completion.
Nominations can be submitted here directly by the PI here.
Please note that you will also need to provide justification for why the candidate is a good fit for this training mechanism, their commitment to the learning and memory field, as well as thoughts on current and future productivity as a scholar.
Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions.
Michael Yassa, Ph.D. - Training Program Director
Bruce McNaughton, Ph.D. - Training Program Co-Director
Manuella Oliveira Yassa, Training Coordinator